Product recalls
Supply base geographical complexity and automobile recalls
Vertical spillover effects of automobile recalls
Global value chain
Supply chain risks and resilience
Buyer-supplier alignments
Business model innovation
Servitization (service-based business model innovation)
Supply network and servitization
Product recall studies
Huashan Li, Hari Bapuji, Srinivas Talluri, and Prakash Singh (2022). “A cross-disciplinary review of product recall research”. Transportation Research Part E. 163, 102732. DOI: 10.1016/j.tre.2022.102732
Working papers
The vertical spillover effect of automobile recalls (dissertation study)
Supply base geographical complexity and automobile recalls (dissertation study)
Corporate social responsibility in product recalls
Grant application
Blockchain, Supply Chain Management, and Product Safety Recalls in Australia (DECRA DE25)
Global value chain studies
Huashan Li, Hugo Lam, William Ho, and Andy Yeung (2022). “The impact of chief risk officer appointments on firm risk and operational efficiency”. Journal of Operations Management. 68(3), 241-269. DOI: 10.1002/joom.1175
Frank Wiengarten, Huashan Li, Prakash J. Singh, Brian Fynes (2019), “Re-evaluating supply chain integration and firm performance: Linking operations strategy to supply chain strategy”, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal. 24(4), 540-559. DOI: 10.1108/SCM-05-2018-0189.
Working papers
Buyer-supplier cultural alignment
ESG asymmetry in buyer-supplier relationships
Political risks and supply chain dispersion
Service-based business model innovation (servitization) studies
Huashan Li, Mehrdokht Pournader, and Behnam Fahimnia (2022). “Servitization and organizational resilience of manufacturing firms”. International Journal of Production Economics, 250, 108685. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijpe.2022.108685
Huashan Li, Yang Yang, Prakash J. Singh, Hongyi Sun, and Yezhuang Tian (2023). “Servitization and performance: the moderating effect of supply chain integration”. Production Planning & Control. 34(3). DOI: 10.1080/09537287.2021.1905900
Working papers
Supply network and servitization
Angelito Calma, William Ho, Lusheng Shao, and Huashan Li. (2021). “Operations Research: Topics, Impact and Trends from 1952-2019”. Operations Research. 69(5), 1487-1508. DOI: 10.1287/opre.2021.2139
Working papers
Organizational crisis and innovation speed
CEO succession contract and organizational misconduct